Wednesday 14 March 2012

What to do when you don't have any scales?

Whenever I am on a diet I can become a little manic. There is the calorie counting, investigating all the nutritional benefits of any given food, looking into the digestive system and different food groups. I am always trying to find a clue to find an easy way to lose weight. But the worse thing I do is constantly weigh myself. I often moved the scales around the bathroom to find the spot which would show my lowest weight!

Thingfs are different now. I have been in the Philippines for the last three months and haven't got around to buying any scales so I can only guess my weight. Some days I feel heavy, some days not so heavy. As I have mentined before my diet revolves around mosrtly rice and noodles so it is not completely ideal, though I do try to eat fruit as much as I can. A friend of mine grows pineapples so I do manage to get some occasionally.

Exercise is the best way to keep losing weight in my experience. I do swim most days and last week I climbed the 3,003 steps of Linabo Peak. It was torture on my body but I am sure I managed to burn up many calories.
So despite my weakness for beer and chips, I still have managed to keep my weight down while I am here. But I think more by luck but I will keep trying.

Bye for now.

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